Monday, July 18, 2011

Want On-share? His emotions disturb

When we are in the post-an-retweet, shared or in-like? That is if the post is to make people angry or tertawa.Ahli suggest promotional products marketing in this way because it is more effective. Jonah Berger, a professor from the University of Pennsylvania prove it with research.

He researched news from The New York Times the most widely shared via e-mail people. He examined the emotional reactions generated from the share the news.

Initially observations indicate that the information contained emotion good or bad, people are equally distributed. So Berger to see aspects of what makes the spread of a post.

Berger asked 93 students to watch videos emotionally, fun, sad, nervous, or satisfied. Then watch a neutral video.

Some students are also asked to read the article, and told them to send the message they want.

Researchers noticed that people are more likely to tell the video and wanted to share an emotional news to others, rather than a content-neutral.

So, on internet social media, to influence others, the best is by making them react emotionally, that is angry or laugh.

With emotional reactions, people are more compelled to click retweet or share. Unconsciously, nervous system, we tend to want to share things that are emotional, such as bad news, have elements of gossip, or anything that dramatic.

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