Or a quickie quickie sex can be a variation of and solutions to overcome your busy life and the spouse.
As quoted from the Health, the survey showed that most of us prefer to have sex less than 15 minutes.
Although progress quickly does not mean not satisfactory. Here's the trick:
Tell your partner
In order moment does not take long to make love with foreplay. before doing the action of the bed, let your desire to partner by sending a short message.
Say what you want later on when making love. Notify also the detail and color of lingerie that you'll wear. Guaranteed, passion will increase and could not wait for the beautiful moments with you.
For some women, get your sex drive is not an easy matter. In fact, a passionate desire to make love the main key of quickie sex. The solution is to fantasize about sex.
Know the parts you like
Women have a number of excitatory points on the body. Do not hesitate to ask your partner to stimulate her. Usually part of what makes women horny fast are neck and breast.
Permanent wear clothing
Another trick that can add to the atmosphere more exciting quickie sex is still wearing clothes. According to the study, men can be more excited to see a woman dressed in half-open than a woman without any clothes.
Use sex toy
Using a vibrator can be a great idea to have an orgasm within five minutes. Vibrators are not only used to stimulate Mrs. V you, Mr. Dick also partner can feel the vibration sensitivity of vibrator.Taruhlah vibrator on her nipples and genital area. Guaranteed you and your partner will enjoy this quick sex session.
Read More... Want Satisfied 'sex' Quick! This trick ...

Fast and super fast are words that describe the operators used 4G. The reason is that force users to change the new smartphone and baru.Sayangnya networks, wireless fourth generation (4G) will not fix the call drop, or a myriad of other service problems that exist, in addition to new problems may arise for users who pass through the area that has no cover 4G network coverage.
Experts warn, faster wireless data can lead to increased consumption. That is, the potential bills will be larger. The fourth-generation wireless can be 10 times faster than third generation wireless (3G).
As a result, consumers can surf the web, download songs and streaming movies more quickly, and potentially more frequent. Wireless Company USA (USA) is also promising to create a 4G network that will help bring broadband access to rural areas that currently lack a reliable fast Internet service.
"With the increasing bandwidth, the content delivered will be richer and more diverse. This gives an incentive use more services and bandwidth, "said Harry Wang of technology research and consulting firm Parks Associates.
Tablet PC users who are currently being grown to become vulnerable 'yawn' due to rapid growth of bandwidth. Although a small smartphone screen, some users may use this device to watch movies.
The tablet itself is running on the same network with a mobile phone aimed at encouraging people to download more content. Many reports indicate, consumers consume more data as the rise of smartphones.
For example, AT & T stating the heaviest users consume 2GB per month (the upper limit of data usage). In addition, the known volume of mobile broadband data network increased 8000% the last four years. According to the operator who entered Indonesia's official, in 2015, the network will handle the same amount of data traffic on January 1 until February 15.
According to the calculation of AT & T, 2GB can be discharged in a month to access the media, in addition to browsing the web and send email. Say, smartphone users heard about an hour of music and watch 20 minutes of video per day, that number already entered the limit of 2 GB. Downloading music, movies, applications, or books will need more data.
Please note, if you exceed these limits, the user will be charged extra. At AT & T, each excess of 1 GB is charged U.S. $ 10 (Rp86 thousand). According to Art Brodsky of Public Knowledge, "If you buy a program based on high speed, and you use it too often, you will get more bills."
Known as written Huffingtonpost, AT & T charges U.S. $ 25 (Rp215 thousand) to 2GB per month, and $ 10 (Rp86 thousand) for each GB over the limit. Even with high speed, 4G networks will not fix existing problems.
Including, call drop, the range and slow speed at peak times. Some experts expressed concern 4G networks such as 3G itself will be overwhelmed. In addition, 4G itself extends in each city.
For users new 4G network, will certainly feel uncomfortable when out of coverage zone 4G. At Verizon, this operator does not plan to enter the phone network to use the 4G network and the 3G network instead.
This could lead to users who call drop out of the coverage zone of 4G. In terms of public access, consumer claims considerable lag when switching from these two networks.
Verizon claims, switching from 4G to 3G is automatic but not vice versa. The process must be done manually and this can drain the battery. Although operators glorify the benefits of 4G, experts say, in 2015, only 5% of mobile Internet users get high-speed network.
Read More... Switching weigh 3G to 4G

Researchers from the National University of Singapore believes could create a robot capable of love. This robot is equipped with artifisial.Robot hormone is a human creation and have no feelings, so should the robot can not fall in love.
But Hooman Samani, artificial intelligence researcher at the Social Robotics Lab, National University of Singapore wanted to prove that robots can fall in love.
These researchers believe can create Lovotics, ie a robot that can love. They are created by applying all the emotions and biological components like those of humans.
The components in question are artificial hormones such as dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, which can flow in the body of the robot and create a 'feeling'.
For business psyche, scientists developed from MRI scans of human brain organs to create artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence robot that can love. And, if we love him, he will be loved back.
Like human relationships, this robot will mempu loving humans through interaction patterns. Through interaction with the object of his choice, he will create a relationship.
Even from that interaction, the robot is able to feel bored, jealous, angry, love, happiness, and so on. Interaction is done via a touch, or other ways that ordinary humans do.Jika Anda menolak pelukan si robot, ia akan kesal. Dan jika si robot melihat Anda berinteraksi dengan manusia lain, atau sibuk mengutak-atik kabel USB pada PC Anda, ia jadi cemburu. Mengingatkan Anda pada karakter persocon, Chi, di serial animasi Jepang Chobits?
Tujuan utama peneliti menciptakan Lovotics adalah untuk mulai memperkenalkan era hubungan antara manusia dengan robot. Jika kita bisa punya hubungan yang berarti dengan teman online atau anjing peliharaan, peneliti ini yakin, dengan robot pasti juga bisa.
Read More... Is Robot Can Fall In Love?

Robot design competitions excavator carrier material held in NASA, won Kanada.Lunabotics robotic excavator is designed for digging and lifting of material months.
NASA recently held a contest to design lunabotics for students. Participants must create lunabot berpenggerak remote control capable of transporting material regolith stimulant as much as possible within 15 minutes.
The competition was won by students from the University Laurentian Sudbury, Canada. Lunabotics creation they were able to defeat his opponents from 40 Engineering at the whole world, among others from the United States, Chile, Bangladesh, and India.
The eight final-year students majoring in mechanical engineering was able to create lunabot to collect 237.4 pounds in synthetic material.
The second winner was the University of North Dakota who lunabot it can collect 172.2 pounds, and third place was won by West Virginia University lunabot capable of lifting 106.4 kilograms.
The first winner of this contest is entitled to Rp42 million prize and was invited as a VIP guest to attend the launch of space shuttle Atlantis in July.
Read More... Canadian Students Create Best Lunabotics

Facebook account using the photo Nudity
Subang parliament was made at around 3:00 early morning or
ahead of the call to prayer at dawn on Saturday (07/02/2011).
From the observation in the largest social networking website was at 11.00 pm, Concerned by the account owner's wife sexy photos Subang parliament officials were uploading photos 9 hours ago, or about 03.00 pm. While the status is posted about an hour afterward.
"I am thirsty man fondling" Concerned Wife wrote in the first status are posted at around 04.00 on Saturday (07/02/2011) morning.
Until 11:00 pm the number of accounts are concerned new wife have six friends. Obviously not known who was behind the owner's account. However, he always introduces himself as the U.S. occupying top leadership positions Subang parliament. "I jd ktua Pantaskah Earring Parliament?" he wrote again in the not far from the first post.
A photo similar Nudity Parliament officials appeared on facebook with the name of the account concerned wife. The photo was used for the profile picture. In the picture is quite clear from her without wearing a top. On the chest is only covered with his hands crossed position.
Read More... FB Foto Officials Created Subang Coming Dawn

40 ideas gathered in Project Eden, # startuplokal optimistic Zuckerberg created a number of Indonesia.
Advances in technology line of business progress and the spirit of entrepreneurship. One way of doing business young people today is to build a startup.
There are many successful startup that had a combined turnover in Indonesia, among others somersault purchased Yahoo, salingsapa.com made a junior high school children in Bandung, e-Puppet, NulisBuku, GantiBaju, Urbanesia, and of course Kaskus already successful long.
Later, three startup also represented Indonesia in competition startup Echelon Singapore in June 2011, namely Bouncity, SixReps, and PriceArea.com. The development of increasingly rapid startup in Indonesia.
"Young people in Indonesia, many of which have many brilliant ideas in starting a business through the startup," he said Natali Ardianto, initiator # startuplokal, Indonesia's largest community of startup.
"Generally their status as an employee of a company, have a good startup business idea and could be developed, but would not leave permanent jobs and professions. The reason is because of financial comfort. And unfortunately if the idea was not developed," said Kevin Mintaraga of Jardintech.
For the same reason is, # startuplokal took Kevin Mintaraga to jointly realize the dream. They took the initiative to form the Eden Project, which is a container that will hold about 40 startup in one place. Location work has established that at Graha 9, Gondangdia region, Menteng.
"There we will build a climate of good working environment for the progress of the startup Indonesia. In that place, they have an idea of discussion and brainstorming with each other to make their ideas materialize. Let them keep working on his regular profession, and Jardintech will help develop their startup to succeed, "added Kevin.
The aid in the form of facilities, development, business consulting, marketing, and legal. Its startup form should anything, can be a social networking, portals, blogs, games, or whatever.
There were eight people from the community # startuplokal Jardintech and that will be selecting 40 startup ideas that can be joined in this project. They also have a network of mentors and investors who are ready to finance any prospective startup.
"So far there have been two (startup ideas) are worth joining," said Kevin.
He also invited the startup enthusiasts in Indonesia to register the idea on the site eden.co.id.
Satya Witoelar, founder somersault said that Indonesia is a haven development startup.
"This business continues to grow. Indonesia targeted many multinational companies and large investors. Many people see the opportunity startup as a side job is no longer a mere fad, but as a commercial enterprise," he said.
It is not possible, in the future will present a number of Zuckerberg Indonesia
Read More... Create Project Eden Optimistic Zuckerberg Indonesia

Now that Android users can berlega heart, because eventually issued a Skype video call services applications for smartphones Android.Skype have new applications for Android phones. With this application, Android phone can use video calls through the Skype service, either by WiFi or 3G connection. Applications can be downloaded Skype on the Android Market or at Skype.com / m.
To use it, any condition. Smartphone you should certainly have a front camera. Not only that, this application is only valid for Android 2.3 or above generation, such as mobile phones Desire S, neo Sony Ericsson Xperia, Sony Ericsson Xperia pro, or Google Nexus S.
Skype for Android have a different view. There is a main menu that can be monitored easily through the contact list. Users can easily change the profile or see the rest of Skype credit, and can even send SMS through the Android application is.
Neil Stevens, VP of Skype said, until last month a video call through the Skype service has been used as many as 30 million people.
Read More... Can Android Through Skype Video Call?

Google officially launched its social network yesterday (28 / 6). Social networking called Google + is claimed to be better than in the privacy of this search engine pesaing.Raksasa mengkau seeks to give 'mirror' approaching 'real life' on its users than its competitors, including Facebook and Twitter. This new social networking lets users selectively share with certain groups within the existing circle of friends.
As a result, all sharing activities not directly shared to all users at once. Here are nine things to know about new social networking search engine giant made it as written huffingtonpost.
+ Google Linimassa
+ Google project is in the "limited trial". That is, only a small number of users who can access it at this time. However, you can register now and now is ready for social networking, Google will notify you.
+ Google Privacy
Google has menggodog customization of privacy in the hope of 'delete' concerns such as on Google users Buzz.
In this social networking, you just want to share with you all. Google's VP of Product Management Bradley Horowitz described it, "I can talk to you and find out who else was in the room. As in the real world. "
No Google +1
According to Search Engine Land, Google +1 there is no integration at the launch. "When Google launches +1 remains unclear. It seems like a big mistake because no concurrent launch of this social networking, "said the firm.
Google + Circle
Simply 'drag and drop' your friend in the 'bucket' to create a single group.
Google + Photos
Users can import images en masse to Google +, including via mobile phones.
Google + Spark
Sparks 'digest' interests and offer stories, videos and photos that you might like.
Google + Stream
As linimassa newsfeed on Facebook and on Twitter, Google + has a Stream that makes you easily update your status, photos, video, or links, or to interact with content from various Circles or Sparks.
Google + Hangouts
While Facebook does not have a video chat, Google wants to show off in this case through Hangouts. Video chat can be done with one or many people at once.
+ Google Huddle
Huddle allows users to start a group chat via text messages quickly and easily.
Read More... 9 Things to Know About Google's Mandatory

Sumenep - The wreck of the Dutch-owned Fyenoord warship found in the waters of the island Giliraja, Sumenep, Madura, allegedly still keeps an active bomb.
Commander Lt. Col. Lanal Stone Poron Murcoriyono Madura, Thursday (17/03/2011) explains, the research results, the vessel is estimated there are still active bomb, given the ship is a warship used during WWI and WWII.
"In fact we estimate not only the bomb, there may be a number of bullets, guns of various types, and other ammunition. And we suspect, the condition of bombs, bullets and guns were still active despite being buried for years," he said.
He said the current bombs, rifles and bullets were wrapped by a reef, so that from a distance can not be seen by some fisherman. "So we asked people not approaching the ship, until there is certainty that the war munitions such as bombs, guns, bullets, guns are benign," he said.
Only, he added, it could not ensure the kind of bombs and bullets that exist in the vessel was made in 1914. "Still need to review in depth. It's new to report. We will study," he added.Lebih lanjut Murcoriyono mengatakan akan mengirim tim ke lokasi tersebut untuk melihat keberadaan kapal, termasuk juga untuk menjinakkan bom tersebut. "Bom itu perlu dijinakkan. Kami khawatir meledak dan memakan korban," tuturnya.
Sementara itu, kepala Disbudparpora M. Nasir menjelaskan, pihaknya memang sudah melakukan kordinasi dengan pihak Lanal Batu Poron Madura. "Dan kami memang sudah meminta pada masyarakat agar tidak mendekati kapal tersebut. "Saya juga meminta agar masyarakat nelayan tidak melakukan aktifitas di daerah penemuan kapal perang itu," katanya.
Ia menambahkan, dalam waktu dekat akan ada tim dari TNI AL yang akan datang ke tempat tersebut. "Ini untuk melihat langsung dan meneliti keberadaan amunisi di dalam kapal," ujarnya.
Namun Nasir memastikan jika bangkai kapal tersebut tidak akan diangkat ke permukaan, karena memakan biaya besar. "Kami justru tertarik menyulapnya menjadi wisata bawah air," terangnya.
Sebelumnya, bangkai kapal perang jaman Belanda ditemukan di perairan pulau Giliraja kabupaten Sumenep.
Kapal tersebut bernama 'Fyenoord' dengan nomor lambung 455-456, buatan tahun 1914 di Rotterdam Belanda. Karena posisi kapal berada di dasar laut dalam waktu sangat lama, maka sudah dikelilingi karang laut serta banyak hidup ikan besar di dekatnya.
Kapal dengan panjang 50 meter dan lebar 7 meter itu yang terlihat dari permukaan dasar laut setinggi 1,5 meter. Selebihnya masih tertutup lumpur, sehingga belum diketahui berapa tepatnya tinggi kapal.
Lokasi penemuan bangkai kapal tersebut, di sebelah barat daya Pulau Giliraja dan jaraknya sekitar 800 meter dari bibir pantai pada kondisi air laut surut.
Read More... Bomb Found in Ship Wreck Fyenoord War

When we are in the post-an-retweet, shared or in-like? That is if the post is to make people angry or tertawa.Ahli suggest promotional products marketing in this way because it is more effective. Jonah Berger, a professor from the University of Pennsylvania prove it with research.
He researched news from The New York Times the most widely shared via e-mail people. He examined the emotional reactions generated from the share the news.
Initially observations indicate that the information contained emotion good or bad, people are equally distributed. So Berger to see aspects of what makes the spread of a post.
Berger asked 93 students to watch videos emotionally, fun, sad, nervous, or satisfied. Then watch a neutral video.
Some students are also asked to read the article, and told them to send the message they want.
Researchers noticed that people are more likely to tell the video and wanted to share an emotional news to others, rather than a content-neutral.
So, on internet social media, to influence others, the best is by making them react emotionally, that is angry or laugh.
With emotional reactions, people are more compelled to click retweet or share. Unconsciously, nervous system, we tend to want to share things that are emotional, such as bad news, have elements of gossip, or anything that dramatic.
Read More... Want On-share? His emotions disturb